The Urenui Pā Trustees would like to express their gratitude and thanks to everyone who attended, participated and contributed to the wānanga ‘Whakapakari te kāinga o Ngāti Mutunga’ including those who took the time to respond to the online survey. The sharing of thoughts and perspectives is a starting point for making dreams come true, particularly for our kuia and koroua.

To review the communications summary in relation to the wānanga and online survey please click here

The next steps in the Whakapakari hikoi are for the Urenui Pā Trustees to carefully consider uri feedback, the needs of our taonga such as Mahi Tamariki, and determine our immediate priorities.

The Urenui Pā Trustees are looking to establish Terms of Reference and a Working Committee for Whakapakari, and will call for expressions of interest from uri, and beyond, to gather the appropriate skills, experience, and knowledge to ensure we take the correct steps.

We hope to have the Terms of Reference (including the Urenui Pā Trustees Priorities) and Working Committee in place for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in February 2020. At the AGM we can detail a projected timeline for the coming mahi, including steps to engage designers, architects, and professionals to undertake feasibility studies for our Whakapakari priorities.

‘Naku te rourou, nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi’ – With my basket and your basket our iwi will flourish.

Naku noa na,

Urenui Pā Trustees

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