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Te rā o Tā Te Rangi Hīroa 2020 – 28 November

Nau mai, whakatau mai ki Urenui. Nau mai ki te rā o Tā Te Rangi Hīroa

This is an invitation to gather in honour of Ngāti Mutunga leader Te Rangi Hīroa.

When: Saturday 28 November 2020, beginning with karakia at 8.00am.

Programme of the day

Te Rangi Hīroa Memorial
Okoki Pā, Mokau Road, Urenui

Pōwhiri/Kawe Mate
Urenui Pā, Mokau Road, Urenui

Kapu Tī/Morning Tea

Kaupapa Kōrero


Please note this year as we have faced unprecedented challenges we acknowledge not all whānau can be with us.

We are encouraging whānau to engage with the commemorations using our online platforms.

We will be uploading footage of the day onto our Facebook page and will be live streaming parts of the day also via zoom.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for details or alternatively please indicate on your RSVP that you will be joining remotely and we email connection details to you. RSVP to office@ngatimutunga.iwi.nz by Monday 23rd November 2020.

Ngā manaakitanga ki a tātou. Kia maia, kia haumaru.

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Register With Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations from Ngāti Mutunga descendants world wide.

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Kia ora! If you have any questions, feedback or need help please get in touch.