Elections 2020 – Call for Nominations

In accordance with the Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Charter (the Charter) the Trust now invites nominations to fill the following vacancies:

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga – 2 kaitiaki positions (3 year terms)

The successful candidates will be announced during the week commencing Monday 15th February 2021.

The 2020 Kaitiaki election is for two (2) positions which are for a three (3) year term. The term of office commences following the announcement of the election result in the week following the Wahi Pooti held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga.

In addition, we are also conducting elections for Ngāti Mutunga iwi representative roles on two outside boards.

Both external roles are for three years commencing after the announcement of the result following the AGM.

Download the Kaitiaki Election Candidate Handbook.

Te Whare Pūnanga Kōrero

This 2020 external board representative election is for one (1) board position representing Ngāti Mutunga iwi on Te Whare Pūnanga Kōrero.

Download Te Whare Pūnanga Kōrero candidate info pack.

Te Korimako O Taranaki

This 2020 external board representative election is for one (1) board position representing Ngāti Mutunga iwi on the Te Reo Irirangi o Taranaki Charitable Trust. The Trust runs Te Korimako O Taranaki Māori radio station.

Download Te Korimako candidate info pack.
Download Te Reo Irirangi o Taranaki Charitable Trust Constitution 2019.

Form of Nominations
Nominations must be submitted in writing on an official Rūnanga nomination form. Candidate handbooks, including nomination form, Kaitiaki position description and a list of preferred experience, skills and competencies can be requested from the Rūnanga Office via email to office@ngatimutunga.iwi.nz or telephone 06 752 3247.

Candidates must, as at the closing date for nominations, be recorded in the Ngāti Mutunga Register as an Adult Registered Member of Ngāti Mutunga. At least five (5) Adult Registered Members of Ngāti Mutunga must support the nomination of a candidate on the nomination form. The consent of each candidate to his or her nomination must be endorsed on the nomination form. A candidate may at any time, by notice to the Rūnanga, withdraw his or her nomination.

Closing Date for Nominations
Fully completed nomination forms should be sent to the Office, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga, PO Box 32, Urenui, Taranaki by 5pm Monday 7 December 2020.

Nominations received after this date will not be accepted.

Announcement of Confirmed Candidates and Election Date
A list of confirmed candidates and the closing date for the election will be published in the Taranaki Daily News, Dominion Post, New Zealand Herald and Christchurch Press from Monday 14 December 2020. A Waahi Pooti will be available at the AGM to be held at the Urenui Pa on Saturday 13 February 2021, commencing at 10.00am.

No Election Rule
In the event that there are only two nominations, no election shall be necessary and the people nominated shall be deemed to have been duly appointed (Section 7.3 of Schedule 2 of the Charter).
Should no election be necessary the names of the appointed Trustees will be published in the Taranaki Daily News, Dominion Post, New Zealand Herald and Christchurch Press in December 2020.

Invitation to Register
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga also invites applications from qualified persons for inclusion of their names in the Ngāti Mutunga register in order to participate in the election process. Registration forms are available by contacting the Runanga office.

People who have recently turned 18 will need to register with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga in their own right to be able to vote. If you know of any Ngāti Mutunga members who have recently turned 18 please encourage them to contact the Rūnanga office for a registration form.

Valid applications for registration received up to 7 December 2020 will be entitled to receive a voting pack.

Applications for registration received after 7 December 2020 will be entitled to cast a provisional vote.

Issues for Consideration
The selection of kaitiaki is an important matter for the Iwi. Kaitiaki are responsible for governing the collective interests of Ngāti Mutunga and representing Iwi interests in a number of different forums both within Taranaki and nationally.

Kaitiaki are responsible for managing our Taranaki-based collective assets and interests for the benefit of all Iwi members. This is still a large responsibility as we move from the initial stages of growth in our post-settlement development.

Should you consider yourself or another Ngāti Mutunga person a suitable candidate for Kaitiaki of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga we welcome your nomination.

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