Meet Our Kaitiaki

Raymond Tuuta
Having been a fixture in the Rūnanga office in his earlier years, it is great to see Raymonds professional career soar in his role as Engagement and Communications Manager for Te Kāhui o Taranaki.
Raymond serves as Chair on the Ngāti Mutunga Community Development Trust, Trustee for Te Kāhui Maru Trust, Director for Tuuta Ltd, Co-Deputy Chair for Te Korimako o Taranaki and is a member on the Te Whatu Ora Consumer Council Committee. With his close links to Ngāti Mutunga, Raymond put his hand up as a key representative for Te Uru o Te Rangi, Ngāti Mutunga kapa haka roopu.

Gina Blackburn
Gina is an active member of both Ngāti Mutunga and Te Atiawa, serving roles with both iwi. In her employment capacity, Gina is the Pou Taiao/Special Projects Manager for Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa.
Gina also serves as Kaitiaki on the Ngāti Mutunga Community Development Trust. Gina holds roles in the Leadership team for Te Ara Taiao o Whai Tara and Beautify Waitara, is a member of Soroptimist’ International Waitara, Te Kāhui o ngā Mātā Raukura ki Whaitara Rawhiti and Te Uru o Te Rangi. Gina is a founder of Waitara Taiao.

Brent Matuku
Brent brings along extensive knowledge and wears many hats for our iwi; serving as Kaitiaki for Ngāti Mutunga Community Development Trust, Chairperson for the Whakapakari te Kāinga board and alongside his dad, Barry as a Trustee for Urenui Pā Trust.
Brent also supported the iwi as the interim CEO in 2021.

Te Amoroa Clifton
Associate Kaitiaki
Te Amoroa has significant experience in education, sports coaching, event management, te reo me hōna tikanga, historical research and he is the current manager for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama. Today, he sits on a number of boards, and he contributes to a number of local kaupapa.
Te Amoroa brings with him a passion for Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama people, cultural wellbeing, taiao, and our collective economic growth and prosperity.

Rangimokai Knuckey
Associate kaitiaki
He uri a Rangimokai nō ngā iwi o Ngāti Mutunga, o Ngāti Tama, o Te Ātiawa ki Taranaki nei. Rangimokai has been in a kaiako position for 15 years and continues to contribute to the education field for tamariki Māori in Taranaki. She is currently completing her masters in Māori education and works with iwi and hapū on a number kaupapa.
Rangimokai is a kapa haka tutor for Te Uru o Te Rangi and kaikaranga at Urenui and other marae.

Pairo McLeod
Associate Kaitiaki
Pairo takes great honour and pride in being an uri of Ngāti Mutunga. He brings with him a passion of working with tamariki mokopuna and rangatahi. He applies his craft as a mentor at Waitara High School, Pou whakahaere and a founding member of Te Hōkai Mua Youth Group based in Waitara.
He has a love for empowering rangatahi to be the best they can be and strive for excellence. Through his role as a kaitiaki on the Te Whiringa board he can advocate to the well-being and success of all uri of Ngāti Mutunga.