Tātai Tangata ki te Whenua

Tātai Tangata ki te Whenua

Tātai Tangata ki te Whenua o Ngāti Mutunga is the six-month Māra programme that empowers and equips our whanau to grow natural kai in their own backyards, addressing kai insecurity, high costs of fresh fruit and vegetables and reconnecting them to their cultural landscapes.

 Following the maramataka, Tātai Tāngata programme starts in Kōanga (planting time) and finishes in Ngahuru (harvest time).

Our tauira have been very fortunate to have an amazing passionate and highly sort after facilitator Pounamu Skelton who developed this programme to support whānau to become knowledgeable, productive, and sustainable in their own backyards.

This is the first time Ngāti Mutunga have run this programme, and it has been a huge success with the interaction, participation, and accomplishments to date. We have had several in-person wānanga and facebook live video’s, but mainly delivery is through zoom.

We have set up a private facebook page where our tauira can communicate with each other, share successes and failures, upload photos and be in a safe and comfortable environment while on thier māra journey.

Any whānau interested in the next programme keep an eye out for details on how to register.

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