Manutukutuku Wānanga
Manutukutuku Wānanga In late February, in conjunction with Manaaki Whenua, we ran a Manutukutuku Wānanga at Urenui Pā as part of our joint climate change research project. The main objective
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Manutukutuku Wānanga In late February, in conjunction with Manaaki Whenua, we ran a Manutukutuku Wānanga at Urenui Pā as part of our joint climate change research project. The main objective
Kimihia koura Our Kimihia Kōura project is officially underway! Our latest curious minds project ‘Kimihia Kōura’ is an investigation into the distribution, habitats and abundance of Koura in our rohe.
Kiwi mahi – Maungatautari This year Anne-Maree helped out with the kiwi catching at Maungatautari for translocation. This is the follow-on of the operation nest egg project. A few years
Taranaki Regional Council Freshwater Plan As you may know, the latest freshwater plan proposal is out for consultation. Taranaki Regional Council are holding a whānau engagement day on Friday 2
Grounds and Maintenance June 2024 After close to a decade of working across our properties. Our old ride on mower that has kept our properties well-manicured has worked its way
Remediation New Zealand – Detailed Site Investigation Report For many years now, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga have been contesting the renewal of the Resource Consent which would allow Remediation
Urenui stormwater investigation (2019 – 2022) Tēnā koutou e te whānau Below is a very insightful report on the work that was completed during 2019 – 2022 to investigate the
Strategy Review and Whānau Engagement Roadshow We have two important kaupapa this year that we want to share with you. Strategic Plan Review It has been 5 years since the
Rā Mutunga This year for Rā Mutunga we had a great turnout, with many uri showing an interest in the dual AGM’s – Urenui Pa Trustees and Te Rūnanga o
Tātai Tangata ki te Whenua Tātai Tangata ki te Whenua o Ngāti Mutunga is the six-month Māra programme that empowers and equips our whanau to grow natural kai in their
On 12 February 2024 our new signs at Onaero Beach Camp were blessed. These new panels are a part of a project that tells our stories in our words. Affirming
Ngāti Mutunga Poi Manu Rōpū The growing of our cultural knowledge and our ability to participate in cultural ceremonies has been a focus of Te Whiringa for the last 12
Summer 2024 Mauri Compass results indicate that the Mauri of the our Urenui Awa is resilient despite pollution challenges The sheer number and size of the tuna caught in unbaited
URENUI PĀ TRUSTEES SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING The Special General Meeting will be held on Saturday 6 April 2024 commencing at 10.00am, at Urenui Pā, 166 Mokau Road, Urenui AGENDA 1.
Tēnā koutou e te whānau Our Pou Whiringa, George Rapana, has made the decision to transition to a new opportunity. He has been instrumental in organising and supporting all of the
The final roadshow event was held in Auckland at the Gravity NZ Trampoline Park, and what a day it was! Filled with laughter, fun, and unforgettable bonding moments, the park
This year’s Kaumātua Christmas gathering was held at the Urenui Hotel, and it was a wonderful occasion enjoyed by all who attended. The festive season provided the perfect opportunity to
The Aspiring Leaders Forum, held in Wellington, was an insightful and invaluable experience that brought together a dynamic group of young, diverse, and motivated leaders. This impactful event was designed