Our Stories, Our Words

On 12 February 2024 our new signs at Onaero Beach Camp were blessed. These new panels are a part of a project that tells our stories in our words. Affirming the Mana Whenua of Ngāti Mutunga to our historic sites. In 2023 the three panels at Urenui Beach Camp were installed and now with the three at Onaero Beach camp we are amplifying our Ngāti Mutunga History. Providing our narratives not only to our own people but the wider community.

The contents for the panels were provided by Te Amoroa Clifton. Artist Vaughan Flannagan was once again involved in the interpretive imaging of each panel showing what the site may have looked like in pre-european times when our people fully occupied the area.

The next stage of this project will see panels installed in the northern part of our region and we plan to have these in place early next year with a plan to tour these northern sites and new signs at our next Rā Mutunga.

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