Ngāti Mutunga Pēpi Packs

This year saw Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Mutunga launch our new Pēpi packs. These packs are offered to registered uri who have recently given birth. This is a way to connect pepi with Ngāti Mutunga from birth and support them to grow a strong cultural connection to our iwi. Its also a great way to keep our registration and contact details up to date, so we can stay connected.

Each pack has a Ngāti Mutunga onsie, and either a toki for a boy or a roimata taonga for a girl , each beautifully wrapped and posted out.

We are grateful to our Tuuta-Hughes whānau who brought their beautiful taonga Te Ao o Te Po, along to the tari to support the launch of our Pēpi packs. Te Ao o Te Po is the 9th tamati of Shanin and Ngapera, which also gave the whānau an opportunity to update the childrens registrations while in the office.

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