Kaitiaki Election 2018

The 2018 kaitiaki election is for three (3) positions which are for a three (3) year term. The term of office commences following the announcement of the election result in the week following the Wahi Pooti held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga.

For the first time we are holding our AGM after Christmas with the meeting to be held on Saturday16th February 2019. This change provides more time to prepare and distribute the Annual Report prior to the meeting, allowing uri more time to review the report prior to the AGM.

This year we are also correcting the trustee rotation issue that has been impacting our elections for some years.

When the trust was established, the trustee rotation over a three year period was intended to be to in the first year, two in the second and one in the third year. That rotation got out of alignment when a trustee stepped down during their term, and the election for the replacement was for a full three year term rather than the two years remaining.
This means that to correctly align future elections we have not only Rodney Baker retiring by rotation, but Brent Matuku tendering his resignation just prior to the AGM one year early.

We did not have a mechanism to allow us to correct issues such as this, so this was one of the changes made to the Charter last year, along with a move to a kaitiaki rotation involving three kaitiaki retiring by rotation one year, no election the second year and two retiring in the third year, resulting in significant cost savings.

Finally, to ensure that we are compliant with the minimum number of kaitiaki required by our Charter when the next three kaitiaki retire by rotation in 2020, we are seeking an additional kaitiaki this year making a total of six (6).

Click here to download the Kaitiaki Candidate Election Handbook.

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