Indigenous Herbal Research


Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga have been involved in a medicinal herbal cluster run through the Ministry of Primary Industries. The aim of the cluster was to look at options for land use in Taranaki with a focus on medicinal herbs to determine the potential of growing them commercially.

Two reports were commissioned from the cluster. The first report was to look at 12 different medicinal herbs and the second report was to look at the three of the medicinal herbs and then further scrutinize the commercial opportunity by investigating how they are currently being commercialised. It then further explores key considerations for investment. 

While the Rūnanga will not look to advance any of the options, there are many whānau owned land blocks in our rohe that are currently being under utilised that may find these reports informative. These reports provide some critical thinking as to how you could utilise your land in a more productive manner. If you see benefit in this information for your land blocks we would encourage to do further analysis to ensure that you are well informed.

These reports are provided for your information and should not be relied on to make investment decisions. We acknowledge the Ministry of Primary Industries for the information provided in these reports.

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