Detailed Site Investigation Forum Invitation
Insight into the findings from the Detailed Site Investigation undertaken in 2023
For many years now, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga have been contesting the renewal of the Resource Consent which would allow Remediation NZ to continue its activities in Uruti. Environment Court hearings with Taranaki Regional Council and the Uruti Community Parties concluded in December 2023. The decision of the Environment Court is still outstanding but is expected later in 2024.
The Detailed Site Investigation report provided to the Environment Court gives a detailed insight into the extent of the contamination on the site.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga are holding a forum and invites its own members but also interested members of the wider community to discuss the findings. Our Cultural Experts, Soil Expert and Legal Advisor will be in attendance alongside members of the Uruti Community Parties who have specifically focused on odour effects.
This is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of what has been happening at the hearings, and the information that has come out regarding contamination from activities at the Remediation NZ site in Uruti, and why Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga continue to contest any renewal of resource consent which will allow RNZ to continue their activities in Uruti.
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