Te Puna Koropupū

Photo: Iwi members and supporters in attendance at the Environmental Court Hearings in December 2023

Ngāti Mutunga representatives provided evidence to the Environmental Court on 11 December 2023. Submissions were made from our scientific witnesses, Katie Beecroft for soil contamination and Kate McArthur for freshwater.  Ngāti Mutunga Chair, Jamie Tuuta, Mitchell Ritai (CEO), Marlene Benson (former TRoNM Environmental Lead), Ian Ruru (Mauri Compass) and Anne-Maree McKay (Pou Taiao) provided our cultural evidence.  The court proceedings have concluded and we now drafting up closing submission ready to be sent to the court in the next week. The court will then review closing submission and proposed consent conditions and make their decision. We hope to receive their decision in June 2024.

This has been an ongoing court case against Remediation NZ who are appealing the Taranaki Regional Council’s decision to not grant their consent. There have been a number of articles written and the links to some of those articles are provided below.

NZ Herald Taranaki iwi Ngāti Mutunga wants 1000 truckloads of toxic removed from region

Stuff: Neighbours tell court composting plant is toxic wasteland

Stuff: Remediation New Zealand defends operation amid scathing criticism

Te Korimako: Composter clashes with iwi and council on river pollution

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