
Our Latest UpdateS

curious minds

Kimihia Kōura

Kimihia Kōura Kimihia Kōura is our latest curious minds participatory science project funded by Venture Taranaki.  Ngāti Mutunga and Taranaki Regional Council are the science partners. for this project and we have teamed up with Taranaki Catchment Communities, Urenui School, Mimi School and Uruti School as our community research partners

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Manutukutuku Wānanga

Manutukutuku Wānanga In late February, in conjunction with Manaaki Whenua, we ran a Manutukutuku Wānanga at Urenui Pā as part of our joint climate change research project. The main objective of the project was to study the effects of climate change on our environmental tohu, such as flowering of important

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Ngati Mutunga have started a project to identify which of our awa contain piharau habitat. In order to do this, we are carrying out surveys in each of our awa using both pheromone sensors and DNA testing.

We have been fortunate to have our own Ngati Mutunga uri involved.

A huge thank you to Bart Jasma from Riverwise Consulting for guiding us through the project, Te Wai Maori for funding this work through their Tiaki Wai Fund, and Wilderlab Ltd and Niwa for doing the testing.

Our mission is to promote an understanding of Ngāti Mutunga values & responsibilities in our rohe. We are responsible for protecting the environment for future generations to come, as well as demonstrating Ngāti Mutungatanga through our role as kaitiaki.

Taiao Volunteer Register

The Taiao Volunteer Register is for those willing to support the important environmental work that we do as Ngāti Mutunga to care and protect our natural resources.

Register With Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations from Ngāti Mutunga descendants world wide.

Send Us a Message

Kia ora! If you have any questions, feedback or need help please get in touch.