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Te Whakamoea Ngā Whare

Te Whakamoea Ngā Whare

We would like to extend an invitation to all uri of Ngāti Mutunga to attend . Sunday 12th May at 10.00am. This is the ceremonial closing of our two tūpuna whare, Mahi Tamariki and Te Aroha as we prepare for the upcoming site renovations.

Te Whakamoea Ngā Whare
10am Sunday 12 May 2024
Urenui Pā, 166 Mokau Road, Urenui

We will open the day at 10am with a powhiri/whakatau followed by the ceremony both inside and outside the  two whare. The names will then be removed and we will close with process with lunch.

10.00am Powhiri/Whakatau
10.15am Karakia Whakamoea
11:15am Remove Names
11:30am Hakari
12.30pm Collect Tūpuna Photos (Optional)

Whānau who wish to take home their tupuna photos during the temporary closure of Urenui Pā can do so on Saturday 11 May 2024. 10am – 2pm, or on Sunday 12 May after lunch.

Please register your attendance for catering purposes.

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Urenui Pā Trust

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Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations from Ngāti Mutunga descendants world wide.

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Kia ora! If you have any questions, feedback or need help please get in touch.