Strategy Plan Review – Ōtautahi
It has been 5 years since the release of the Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga Strategic Plan – Ko Te Anga Pūtake Ora o Ngāti Mutunga 2019-2024.
The plan was developed from feedback provided by whānau during the review hui held in 2018.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga will again be hosting a series of hui to review its strategic plan during 2024. We encourage Ngāti Mutunga whānau to attend these hui and provide your feedback on what you think has worked well and share your aspirations for the next 5 years.
Members of the Board and Management team will be in attendance at each of the planned hui. The dates and locations of the hui are provided below, and all venues are yet to be confirmed:
- Saturday 4 May, 1-4pm, Sudima Airport Hotel, Christchurch