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Whānau Engagement Road Show – Ōtautahi

Whānau Engagement Road Show – Otautahi
Sunday 5 May, 4-7pm, Move X, 230 Maces Rd, Christchurch

Te Whiringa is the Charitable Trust for the Rūnanga. The team want to come and say hi to you and your whānau.

Whānau engagement is the primary focus for Te Whiringa and activity has really increased since Te Whiringa employed their Pou Whiringa Matua (Whānau Engagement Manager), Larnee Wallace. The Chair of Te Whiringa, Raymond Tuuta, has been instrumental and driving a new focus for the Charitable Trust and will be in attendance alongside one of the Associate Kaitiaki, Pairo McLeod.

This is an opportunity to meet the Te Whiringa team and share your aspirations for the whānau engagement space.

This is an opportunity to see whānau and meet new whānau. So bring along your tamariki and mokopuna and the team will entertain them with games, kai, activities, and giveaways

The dates and locations of the other hui we will be running throughout the country are provided below, venues are yet to be confirmed:

  • Saturday 6 July, Wellington (afternoon)
  • Saturday 3 August, Auckland (afternoon)

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Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations from Ngāti Mutunga descendants world wide.

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