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Te Pumaomao Wānanga

Registrations are open for our Te Pumaomao Wānanga. We encourage all Ngāti Mutunga whānau who wish to gain a greater understanding of Te Ao Māori, specifically the journey of our people in this cross-cultural world, to register to attend.

Te Pumaomao Wānanga focuses on strengthening our understanding of:

  • Treaty of Waitangi
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Cultural Intelligence
  • Cultural Competency
  • Cultural Responsiveness
  • Decolonisation

The wānanga is a tikanga-based immersive experience that will improves your understanding of yourself as Māori. It opens up layers and levels which enables more insightfulness, confidence and self awareness.

The facilitators, Takawai and Chris Murphy, are both experienced and accomplished cross-cultural facilitators whose passion, humour and light touch make for a safe and empowering learning environment.

If you are over 18 years of age, Interested in improving your cross cultural awareness and available to attend this wānanga at Urenui Pā on 20 & 21 April 2024, then register for this event using the link below. Please note that while there will be space available for this overnight noho-marae, there is no requirement to stay.

Who: Ngāti Mutunga whānau

When: Saturday 20 April 2024 at 8.30am for pōwhiri, through to Sunday 21 April 2024 at 3.30pm

Where:  Urenui Pā – 166 Mokau Rd, Urenui

Accommodation: Accommodation is available at the Pā

Kai: Fully Catered

Cost: Koha

Register Here 


Register With Us

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations from Ngāti Mutunga descendants world wide.

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Kia ora! If you have any questions, feedback or need help please get in touch.